Scott Johnson.Scott married Angela Massey.
Angela Massey [Parents].Angela married Scott Johnson.
Harry Russell Daniels [Parents] was born in 1932 in Logan, Logan Co, WV. He married Audrey Justice on 11 Apr 1952 in Kopperston, Wyoming Co, WV.
Audrey Justice [Parents] was born in 1933 in KY. She married Harry Russell Daniels on 11 Apr 1952 in Kopperston, Wyoming Co, WV.
They had the following children:
F i Katherine Ann Daniels was born on 12 Mar 1954 in Welch, McDowell Co, WV. She died on 12 Dec 2021 in Beckley, Raleigh Co, WV. She was buried Cremated. [Notes] F ii Robin Daniels.
Davis. married Idella Beulah Dixon.
Idella Beulah Dixon [Parents] was born on 7 Dec 1920 in Hemphill, McDowell Co, WV. She married Davis.
Other marriages:McCall, Robert David
Joe Foley.Joe married Catherine.
Catherine.Catherine married Joe Foley.
They had the following children:
F i Myrtle Foley was born in 1910.
Luther Addair.Luther married Bessie "Diane" Muncy.
Bessie "Diane" Muncy [Parents].Bessie married Luther Addair.
James Franklin Haga was born in 1884. He died in 1962. He married Ida Ethel Blevins.
Ida Ethel Blevins was born in 1882. She died in 1958. She married James Franklin Haga.
They had the following children:
F i Clyde Elizabeth Haga was born on 9 Apr 1924. She died on 5 Nov 2012.
Wayne Toler.Wayne married Rebecca Canada.
Rebecca Canada [Parents].Rebecca married Wayne Toler.
John Kuba.John married Lizzie.
Lizzie.Lizzie married John Kuba.
They had the following children:
F i Mary Kuba was born in 1909.
William Douglas "Billy" Muncy [Parents] was born on 21 Sep 1951 in Avondale, McDowell Co, WV. He died on 3 Feb 2022 in Carillon Roanoke Memorial Hospital, Roanoke, VA. He was buried on 7 Feb 2022 in Cremated. He married Ruth A. Christian.
Ruth A. Christian.Ruth married William Douglas "Billy" Muncy.
They had the following children:
F i Sasha L. Muncy.
Smith. married Bobbi Jean Muncy.
Bobbi Jean Muncy [Parents].Bobbi married Smith.