Billy Cecil Bartley [Parents] was born in 1940 in Panther, McDowell Co, WV. He married Gaynelle Jesse on 23 Dec 1960 in Horsecreek, McDowell Co, WV.
Gaynelle Jesse [Parents] was born in 1943 in Baileysville, Wyoming Co, WV. She married Billy Cecil Bartley on 23 Dec 1960 in Horsecreek, McDowell Co, WV.
Marie Walker [Parents].Marie married Lester.
Billy Dunigan [Parents].Billy married Marie.
Marie.Marie married Billy Dunigan.
Robertson. married Sarah Lucinda Lester.
Sarah Lucinda Lester [Parents] was born on 23 Oct 1898 in Wyoming Co,WV. She died on 26 Oct 1972 in WV. She married Robertson.
Other marriages:Jackson, Ezra Linkous
Dixon. married Frances A. Bishop.
Frances A. Bishop [Parents] was born in 1942 in WV. She married Dixon.
Tina Watts [Parents].Tina married Cox.
Patrick.Patrick married Ashley Stewart.
Ashley Stewart [Parents].Ashley married Patrick.
Roger Dale Brown I [Parents] was born on 25 Dec 1944 in Tipple. Wyoming Co, WV. He died on 9 Aug 2020 in Cornerstone Specialty Hospital, Huntington, Cabell Co, WV. He was buried in Cremated. He married Rosetta Farmer on 10 Aug 1979 in Pembroke, Giles Co, VA.
Other marriages:Cook, Brenda Kay
Rosetta Farmer [Parents] was born on 5 Sep 1950 in WV. She married Roger Dale Brown I on 10 Aug 1979 in Pembroke, Giles Co, VA.
They had the following children:
F i Cindy Nicole Brown. F ii Kristen Brown. F iii Courtney Brown. M iv Roger Dale Brown II. M v Nathiah Brown.
Charles Allen.Charles married Artie Shate.
Artie Shate [Parents] was born in 1886 in Grayson Co, VA. She married Charles Allen.
Other marriages:Bryson, Hasful
They had the following children:
F i Verna Allen was born in 1908 in VA. [Notes] M ii Clifford Allen was born in 1909 in VA. [Notes] M iii Eugene Allen was born in 1912. F iv Ernestine Allen was born in 1914. F v Christine Allen was born in 1914 in VA. [Notes] M vi Charles Allen was born in 1917 in VA. [Notes] M vii Robert Allen was born in 1920 in WV. [Notes]
James Josiah Barrett [Parents] was born on 22 May 1899 in Wyoming Co, WV. He died on 1 Aug 1943 in North Africa. He was buried in North Africa American Cemetery and Memorial, Carthage, Tunis, Tunisia. He married Julia Wilson on 16 May 1929 in Cross Creek, Cumberland Co, NC.
Julia Wilson was born in 1909 in Abingdon, Washington Co, VA. She married James Josiah Barrett on 16 May 1929 in Cross Creek, Cumberland Co, NC.
They had the following children:
F i Erma Lee Barrett was born on 31 Jul 1934 in Iowa Lutheran Hospital, Des Moines, Polk Co, Ia. [Notes]